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The supervisor and crew will create this plan establishing safe work practices
and common hazard control measures for preventing the occurrence of injuries.

Job Information

Job Name:1916 Boren
Job Number:1T24916
Location of Work:Lv 7-8
Task Description:Insulation of supply air duct
Start Time6:30 AM
End Time2:30 PM

Work Task & Environment Evaluation

Are all HBI employees orientated to the site, familiar with the work environment and have you all reviewed and signed the JHA and SSSP?Yes
Has the work area been walked by the crew to identify safety and/or impact concerns?Yes
Will the task require special permits or plans? (i.e. confined space entry, hot work, fall protection work plan)Yes
Select Forms
  • Fall Protection Work Plan
Has the permit or plan been developed and discussed with the crew?Yes
Will the task involve exposure to falls of 4’ or greater?Yes
Have you identified the appropriate anchor points, and do you have the necessary fall protection equipment needed to perform the task safely?Yes
Do not start work until the anchor points have been identified and the necessary equipment is available

Do not start work until the anchor points have been identified and the necessary equipment is available

Will the task expose you or other HBI employees to a fall hazard 10’ or greater?Yes
Have you developed a Fall Protection Work Plan with Rescue?Yes
Do not start work until a Fall Protection Work Plan has been completed

Do not start work until a Fall Protection Work Plan has been completed

Will barricading and or signage be required to protect personnel, facilities, or equipment?Yes
Do you have the necessary equipment needed to proceed?Yes
Do not start work until the necessary equipment is available

Do not start work until the necessary equipment is available

Will the task require the use of ladders?No
Do not start work until the appropriate ladder is available

Do not start work until the appropriate ladder is available

Do not start work until the inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Do not start work until the inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Will the task require the use of MEWPs?Yes
Are the operators and occupants trained, certified, and authorized to operate the MEWP safely?Yes
Do not start work until MEWP training as been completed.

Do not start work until MEWP training as been completed.

Have the MEWPs been inspected for serviceability and has the inspection been annotated on the HBI MEWP Inspection Tag?Yes
Do not start work until the inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Do not start work until the inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Will the task require the LOTO of energized systems?No
Do not start work until the coordination with affected personnel has been established.

Do not start work until the coordination with affected personnel has been established.

Do not start work until the necessary equipment is available

Do not start work until the necessary equipment is available

Will the task involve the use of chemicals?No
Do not start work until the SDS has been reviewed and the appropriate PPE is available

Do not start work until the SDS has been reviewed and the appropriate PPE is available

Will the task involve exposure to high noise levels greater than 85 dBA?No
Do not start work until hearing protection is available

Do not start work until hearing protection is available

Will the task involve musculoskeletal/ergonomic risk factors? (i.e. repetetive motion, awkward position, joint stress)Yes
Will an ergonomic “stretch & flex” plan be implemented at the start and end of shift?Yes
Do not start work until a stretch & flex” plan be implemented.

Do not start work until a stretch & flex” plan be implemented.

Will inclement weather conditions affect the safe completion of the task?No
Do not start work until alternate work areas or procedures have been established and implemented.

Do not start work until alternate work areas or procedures have been established and implemented.

Do not start work until additional provisions have been established and implemented

Do not start work until additional provisions have been established and implemented.

Will the task require additional coordination with other crafts in the work area?No
Do not start work until coordination has been established with affected crews.

Do not start work until coordination has been established with affected crews.

Have all tools & equipment been inspected for safe use prior to starting work tasks?Yes
Do not start work until all tools and equipment have been inspected for safe use.

Do not start work until all tools and equipment have been inspected for safe use.

Has all emergency equipment been identified & located? (i.e. fire extinguishers, eyewashes bottles/stations, first aid kits, AED)Yes
Do not start work until all emergency equipment as been identified & located

Do not start work until all emergency equipment as been identified & located

What is the evacuation route and designated rally point?Down interior stairs into alley across the street to doughnut shop
Steps of the Task

Gather materials
Setup work station
Signage off shaft
MEWP inspection
Install insulation
Clean up

Hazards of the Task

Working at height
Sharp knives
Use of pin welder/ electric shock
Falling debris
Awkward and repetitive motions

Hazard Control Methods

MEWP/ use of harness tied off to anchor points
Use of knife sheath
Correct positioning of the ground/ careful placement of hands and pin gun on cup head
Mitigate trash/ clean as we go
Limit amount of continuous time in said positions

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Safety Helmet/Hard Hat
  • Safety Glasses
  • Full Body Harness
  • Gloves – Cut Level 3 or greater
  • High Vis Clothing


By signing below, I acknowledge that I participated in the creation of this pre-task plan and understand the steps of the task, associated hazards, and hazard control methods.
Foreman NameDonte Davis
Foreman Signature
Crewmember 1 Name:Mike White
Crewmember 1 Signature
Crewmember 1 – I agree the above name and signature are my own
  • Yes
Use the + icon next to a crew member name to add additional crew members.

Pre-Task Plan Revisions

Describe the deviations from the original pre-task plan and detail the revised hazard control methods.

If work conditions change, work MUST STOP and the Pre-Task Plan must be revised.

Complete the required items based on your responses before starting work

Complete the required items based on your responses before starting work. 

Do not start work until all HBI employees orientated to the site and have signed the JHA and SSSP.

Do not start work until all HBI employees orientated to the site and have signed the JHA and SSSP.

Do not start work until the work area been surveyed by you and the crew to identify safety and/or impact concerns.

Do not start work until the work area been surveyed by you and the crew to identify safety and/or impact concerns.

Do not start work before all permits and plans have been developed and discussed with the crew.

Do not start work before all permits and plans have been developed and discussed with the crew.

Do not start work until fall protection anchor points have been identified and the necessary equipment is available.

Do not start work until fall protection anchor points have been identified and the necessary equipment is available.

Do not start work until a Fall Protection Work Plan has been completed.

Do not start work until a Fall Protection Work Plan has been completed.

Do not start work until the appropriate ladder is available.

Do not start work until the appropriate ladder is available.

Do not start work until the ladder inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Do not start work until the ladder inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag.

Do not start work until MEWP training has been completed.

Do not start work until MEWP training has been completed.

Do not start work until the MEWP inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag

Do not start work until the MEWP inspection has been completed and annotated on the inspection tag.

Do not start work until hazardous energy sources, their isolation points, and coordinated the shutdown and communication procedures with affected personnel have been established.

Do not start work until hazardous energy sources, their isolation points, and coordinated the shutdown and communication procedures with affected personnel have been established.

Do not start work until the necessary LOTO equipment is available

Do not start work until the necessary LOTO equipment is available.

Do not start work until the SDS has been reviewed and the appropriate PPE is available.

Do not start work until the SDS has been reviewed and the appropriate PPE is available.

Do not start work until hearing protection is available.

Do not start work until hearing protection is available.

Do not start work until alternate work areas or procedures have been established and implemented.

Do not start work until alternate work areas or procedures for inclement weather have been established and implemented.

Do not start work until additional provisions for warming or cooling areas have been established and implemented

Do not start work until additional provisions for warming or cooling areas have been established and implemented.

Do not start work until necessary coordination has been established with affected crafts

Do not start work until necessary coordination has been established with affected crafts.

Do not start work until all tools and equipment have been inspected for safe use.

Do not start work until all tools and equipment have been inspected for safe use.

Do not start work until all emergency equipment as been identified & located.

Do not start work until all emergency equipment as been identified & located.

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